A Multimedia Senior Research Project

Brief Description:
  This template is for a senior research project. The student creates a multimedia project as a result of this unit. Length: 2-4 weeks.

Main Curriculum Area: Computer

Grade Level: Secondary

Approximate Time Required: 8 hours 55 minutes

Primary Goal and Objective: 3.3

Other Goals & Objectives from the NC Standard Course of Study:
A variety of other goals from the high school curriculum can be integrated into this project.

Other Subjects Covered: Language Arts, Social Studies, Science

Teacher's Lesson Goals/Objectives:
  The goal of this lesson is to have students demonstrate appropriate use of multimedia and research methods in a content area.

Materials/Resources Needed:
  print and electronic reference material in the content area

Technology Resources Needed (computer hardware, software, etc.):
  Hardware:Camcorder (optional), VCR (optional),
or Multimedia Computer with speakers, microphone, CD ROM drive
and Software: HyperStudio, Microsoft PowerPoint (or other presentation software)

  Students should be familiar with research reports. They should also have some level of proficiency with computer or video technology.
Each student should submit to the instructor both a topic for his/her research and a format for the project (i.e., video, hyperstudio stack, powerpoint presentation)

  Each student uses available resources to research his/her topic. This usually involves a full week of class time in the media center. Following the research period, students should be required to draft on paper a storyboard of their multimedia production. After evidencing that they have a plan, students should be given class time to produce the product. This class time needs to be supplemented with afterschool access to the required technologies.
All products should be of equal or better research quality than comparable paper reports. Particular attention should be given to ensuring that grading is based on the rubric and not just the bells and whistles the student used.

  See Rubric in related links. Optimally, both a content area teacher for the topic researched and an English and/or technology teacher would collaborate on evaluating the project. Care should be taken while evaluating to ensure that scoring is based on the rubric and not just the bells and whistles students used in their project.

Supplemental Resources / Information for Teachers (handouts, background information, bibliographies, examples of student work, etc.):
  Students should have access to Internet to view samples of multimedia projects. Teachers also need to have sufficient background to determine the quality of information presented.

Relevant Web Sites:
  A rubric for evaluating multimedia presentations

Additional Comments from the Author of This Lesson:
  This is an integrated approach to using multimedia technology as a part of content area courses. These materials were developed to support and enhance the use of 1998 K-12 Computer/Technology Skills
Standard Course of Study.

About the Author:
  Patsy Hester (Wake County Schools)
Christopher Cobitz (NCA&T State University)

Attachments (click to view or download):