So in Module 8.1.1 we set up columns and their guides. How about
horizontal guides? Well the top and bottom margins can count. But if you use
ARRANGE LAYOUT GUIDES and increase the number of ROWS, you will have more horizontal
guides like these:
You can use these guides for many things.
For instance, if you want to import text from a file, you will be expected to draw a box over the area the text should fill. These guides will allow you to arrange the text so the different items line up.
Look at this:
This is a TEXT BOX for adding text to your document.
This was drawn by using the TEXT TOOL form the TOOL PALETTE.
The A is the text tool. It will turn your mouse into a cross hair for use in drawing a text box.
The cactus is the image tool. It will turn the mouse into a cross hair for drawing a box to insert an image file.
Oh, I suppose it is time to mention some concepts. In quality desktop publishing programs, you do the word processing in a word processor and the artwork in a drawing or paint program. This allows you to use the best advantages of each program.
There is one other trick, look at this piece of screen:
The red was added for effect. Notice how the mouse location (big red blob) is tracked on the rulers.
This allows you to use the rulers to guide the placement of items on the screen.
(Oh after you have drawn your text or graphic box, go to INSERT to pick the file you would like to insert.
Copyright 1998 by Christopher I. Cobitz
Questions regarding this page may be sent to Christopher I Cobitz