How do I configure Eudora?

1. Acquire an a "POPMAIL" compatible E-mail account. (at NCA&T you can do this by contacting the computer center)

             your "LOGIN NAME"
             your server information (at NCA&T it is "")
             your password

2. Call up the Eudora program

    MAC: look on the hard drive of the computer
    Windows: Check in the "PROGRAMS" menu under the "START" button

3. Configure Eudora for your mailbox

        ****Warning, Eudora will delete all your messages from the mail computer unless you specifically tell it otherwise.  Once you check your mail with Eudora, it will be pulled onto the computer you are using and will appear no where else.

From the menu choose "TOOLS" from that menu choose "OPTIONS"
the following screen should appear:
settings.jpg (26730 bytes)

In area A enter your login and server name. For instance:

In area B enter your real name

In area C Type in your E-mail address. For instance:

Click OK

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Copyright 1997 The School of Education at North Carolina A&T State University, Christopher I. Cobitz and Dennis Keough