Computer Skills Curriculum

Word Processing Lesson Plan

Title: Halloween Tales

Other Curriculum Objectives that can be addressed by this lesson plan
English Language Arts: 2.1, 2.3, 4.1; Computer Skills: 2.3; Information Skills 1.4, 1.5

Grade: 3

Competency 2.3: Use a word processing program to load, enter, save, and print text.

Measure 2.3.1: Given a story starter file, load the file into your computer and type sentences that complete the story. Save and print the story.

Materials Needed: Computer with printer; word processing software; teacher prepared data diskette with story starter files; teacher presentation tools (LCD palette or large monitor with computer and word processor or overhead and transparencies or chart paper/chalkboard); Halloween Tales story starter list (included).

Time: One session (20-30 minutes) in classroom; one-two sessions (20-30 minutes each) in lab.

word processing, load, enter/return, save, print, file




Brainstorming session: Using a computer, LCD panel, and word processor (or chart paper or transparencies and an overhead) have students generate a list of Halloween characters, Halloween descriptive words, and action words.

Teacher Preparation

(Between classroom and lab activities) The teacher will need to enter the story starters on a diskette and duplicate diskettes to be used in the lab before students write their stories (or use the Halloween Tales story starter created for this lesson).

Activity I: (Classroom)

  • Divide the students into 3-4 person teams.
  • Have students use the list of Halloween characters, adjectives, and words to create a one sentence story starter for at least three of the Halloween characters.
  • Have each student share at least one of their story starters with the rest of the class. Tell the students that they will have an opportunity to choose a story starter and write a story about their favorite character.

Activity II: (Lab)

  • Students load one of the story starter files, using a word processing program.
  • Students write a draft of their story about a Halloween character, save, and print it.
  • Students receive help with their drafts, make revisions, then print another copy of their story.
  • Teachers reinforce good keyboarding techniques during this activity.

Follow-up Activity:

  • Provide opportunities for students to illustrate their stories.
  • Provide an author sharing time for students to tell what happens to their Halloween characters.
  • Have students or groups make Halloween books to be placed in the reading center of the classroom.
  • Provide students an opportunity to share a copy of their published book by putting a copy in the media center.


  • Have students contribute to a group Halloween story. In the lab, each student could create his/her own ending.
  • Use characters from other holidays as story starters.
  • Have students change the ending of a class-created story.
  • Have students create riddles about their Halloween characters.


Students should be given a copy of a word processing data file containing a story starter. Direct students to load the story starter file and to complete the story by adding more sentences. Students should be directed to save their story and then to print a copy of it. Halloween Tales contains 12 sample story starters.